Taking Time to Heal
Taking Time to Heal

Taking Time to Heal

When someone gets very ill physically, or worse, is diagnosed with something life-threatening like cancer, they will follow their doctor’s recommended course of treatment, even if it means long-term hospitalization. However, it is not always so easy for us to treat our mental health in the same way. Because emotional pain is very different from physical pain, we do not listen to our bodies in the same way. Having a substance use issue can be every bit as life-threatening as cancer, but will we actually take time to heal?

Residential Healing

When we finally realize that it is time for us to seek treatment for substance use, the concept of residential treatment can be quite the shock. Why do we have to take so much time out of our lives? Why do we have to live at the facility? Can’t we just go for a few days and then follow up during the day and come home?

There are many reasons that residential healing is necessary to truly begin to heal from our substance use. The most important reason is our health. After consistent substance use, stopping suddenly is a big change for our bodies. So much so that we can experience strong reactions and even dangerous health issues as our bodies are cleansing and healing. Having proper medical supervision around the clock during this vital time is crucial.

Being removed from our lives and the places and people associated with our substance use is a tremendous benefit as we are so raw and learning to live substance-free. Our treatment facility becomes our neutral zone, a safe space for us to not have access to substances, and also not be tempted by old patterns and people. Residential healing is so much more, but these are important reasons we should make it a priority.

Prioritize Our Health

When we are willing to take the time and attend a residential facility, we are sending a powerful message to ourselves and others in our lives that our health is important enough to take this step. It is a way to acknowledge how critical substance use is, and our desire to heal from it, mind, body, and soul.

Just like we would seek hospitalization for a life-threatening physical diagnosis, we need to take the time to treat and heal from our life-threatening substance use. Stigma or other excuses may keep us from acknowledging the physical and mental health issues that come with substance use, including cardiovascular, liver and kidney, cognitive and memory issues, and so many more. We need healing from the causes of our substance use, but we also need to prioritize healing from all of the physical side effects, too.

The Importance of Healing Now

The longer we continue to use substances, the greater the chances of serious health issues or worse. There are many different conditions that are caused by substance use which can lead to death, either quickly or over time. There is also always the risk of overdose or alcohol poisoning. Substance use is a significant factor in accidental deaths, both while driving and not.

All of these reasons and more make a case for immediate healing. Gambling with our own mortality is not a risk worth taking. Risking more serious health issues that will cause more suffering and pain is not worth the roll of the dice. As if our physical safety and loss of life are not big enough reasons, we also deserve to heal our minds and our souls from the devastation substance use wreaked upon them.

Investing in Ourselves

The time we take now to begin our healing is an investment in our own lives. This investment will pay dividends, beginning right away and growing exponentially as we are free from substance use and our bodies and minds heal. From our day to day life, including job performance and improved relationships, to our belief in ourselves and long-term happiness, taking this time now is life-changing. Choosing treatment is choosing ourselves.

We talk about taking time for ourselves to relax or do something we like, but taking time for healing is a much more important and lasting investment. Healing tells us we are important, that we are worthy. We are investing in our emotional healing of self-forgiveness, compassion for ourselves, and true self-esteem. Finding inner healing is priceless, no matter how busy we are or how valuable we think our time is.

Changing Our Future

Ultimately, taking the time to heal now is taking the time to change our future. Whether it is the physical act of making sure that we have a future, by improving our health and protecting our lives, or the investment in our mental and emotional health, treatment for substance use is a complete change of course for our future.

Unlike a physical condition that prevents us from participating normally in life and thus obviously requires hospitalization, we have to be more proactive in our thinking to realize that residential treatment is every bit as important as hospitalization for a more obvious physical condition. Taking time to heal now is taking control of our destiny.

Taking time to heal now is an investment in yourself and your future. Make that investment at AToN Center. Spend your residential treatment with us in luxury, beauty, and privacy as you find your own healing. Call (888) 535-1516 today to make yourself a priority and change your future.

Originally posted on July 5, 2020 @ 2:10 pm

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