Addiction Treatment

We Will Never Call You An Addict!

Addiction has become a national problem that affects millions of Americans, triggering a person to experience an uncontrollable impulse to use drugs or alcohol to the point that it negatively impacts their life. Addiction looks at the interconnection between biology, psychology, and socio-environmental factors and is characterized by this mindset that seeks a “high” state of mind despite harm and adverse consequences to self and others. A person with the disease of addiction exhibits addition behavior, this can be a physical or mental dependence requiring withdrawal, or a substance use disorder where the use of drugs, alcohol or drugs and alcohol – lead to social, familial, and daily life impairment.

Alcohol and drug addiction help can include therapy, addiction centers, and other local resources for those ready to deal with their drug use problems. Locating the ideal treatment center is crucial in being successful on a recovery journey. Some things to take into consideration when looking at treatment centers is the length of stay a facility offers, finding out if your insurance coverage will be accepted, the types of therapy offered both in groups and individually, the staff credentials and other services that are provided. One of the most important points is to feel comfortable with the atmosphere and the therapy and treatment services a facility offers.

Alcohol and drug addiction help can include therapy, addiction centers, and other local resources for those ready to deal with their drug use problems. Locating the ideal treatment center is crucial in being successful on a recovery journey. Some things to take into consideration when looking at treatment centers is the length of stay a facility offers, finding out if your insurance coverage will be accepted, the types of therapy offered both in groups and individually, the staff credentials and other services that are provided. One of the most important points is to feel comfortable with the atmosphere and the therapy and treatment services a facility offers.

AToN Center is a luxury alcohol and drug residential treatment facility that caters to the executive, the housewife, the young adult, anyone who is ready to stop drinking and using – regardless of what their situation is. Our specialty is our clinical program and our clinical staff. Therapy is provided to meet an individual’s needs, there is no cookie cutter solution to staying sober. Our staff to client ratio is purposely designed to give our clients the individual care required to ensure their safe recovery.

Addiction from any type of substance, being drugs or alcohol, can trigger numerous effects for a client. Using drugs and alcohol for long periods of time can impact each person differently. Withdrawal is based on the type of drug used or the amount of alcohol consumed, if it was daily, hourly, weekly, and most important – any other underlying health problems that might exist.

How Can We Help?

Symptoms of Addiction

What is Prescription Drug Addiction?

Prescription drug addiction begins when a person is sick, or experiencing recovery from a surgery, or pain and visits their doctor who in turn – writes a prescription for the ailment. When someone starts to use the drug more than prescribed or not for medical purposes – this is usually a strong sign of a prescription drug addiction. Usually, when this happens, the one who is addicted to the prescription substance will crave it continuously, take it often, as well as go out of their way to obtain it. Because opiates are prescribed for pain, if one becomes addicted and the doctors stop prescribing, a person can become extremely uncomfortable and find they need detoxification, while others may turn to using street drugs or medicine not prescribed to them.

  • You feel different once a drug subsides. You may feel shaky, nauseous, sweaty, depressed, or have migraines
  • You continue using a drug after no longer needing it for a medical condition
  • You have a difficult time cutting back as well as setting limits on the amount of you take
  • You take part in uncharacteristic habits in order to get substances such as lying or taking money
  • You hide your prescription amount and use from other people
  • Your friend or social group of people changes

An addiction to drugs can be treated, but it can be incredibly challenging, requiring a lot of work.

“Because addiction is a chronic disease, people can’t simply stop using drugs for a few days and be cured. Most patients need long-term or repeated care to stop using completely and recover their lives.” (National Institute on Drug Abuse, 2019)

There are many treatment protocols that can be used to treat a drug addiction problem. Usually, the first step in drug addiction treatment is detoxification, followed up with a residential treatment program that consists of evaluations for other disorders, medications, counseling, support groups, holistic care, and lastly there is follow-up care known as out-patient treatment.

What is an Alcohol Use Disorder?

According to the Mayo Clinic – “Alcohol use disorder (which includes a level that’s sometimes called alcoholism) is a pattern of alcohol use that involves problems controlling your drinking, being preoccupied with alcohol, continuing to use alcohol even when it causes problems, having to drink more to get the same effect, or having withdrawal symptoms when you rapidly decrease or stop drinking.”

Alcohol is one of the most abused legal substances in America. Daily drinking and stopping cold turkey can put a person into alcohol detoxification. This is incredibly unsafe and possibly life threatening to an individual if not treated properly.

AToN Center’s alcohol rehab program treats alcoholism with a wide variety of treatment approaches created to assist our clients so they can move easily into recovery. We treat dependency in its entirety, as opposed to dealing with a dependency to substances or alcohol separately. We establish the factors behind why someone drinking, the effects of the addictive habits and appropriate coping methods to resolve these problems.

  • Increased amount or frequency of use
  • Increased sleepiness, clinical depression, or other emotional concerns
  • High tolerance for alcohol, or no “hangover” signs and symptoms
  • Changes in relationships; somebody with an alcoholism may select friends that likewise drink like they do
  • Taking part in risky habits in order to get alcohol
  • Requiring alcohol to operate in everyday life
  • Drinking at improper times, such as first thing in the early morning, or in places like church or work
  • Wanting to be where alcohol exists as well as avoiding situations where there is none
  • Avoiding contact with loved ones
  • Hiding alcohol, or avoiding people while drinking

Many people overcome alcohol abuse as well as addiction, there are alcohol treatment options available in almost every community. San Diego has local resources that range from Alcoholics Anonymous and SMART Recovery meetings, to addiction treatment centers such as ours offering detoxification and residential addiction treatment. Upon leaving this more acute environment there is a step down process to outpatient drug and alcohol programs that can address the problem and help a person live sober and find a life without alcohol.

“Many people struggle with controlling their drinking at some time in their lives. Approximately 17 million adults ages 18 and older have an alcohol use disorder (AUD) and 1 in 10 children live in a home with a parent who has a drinking problem.” (National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, 2014)

AToN Center in San Diego is a luxury detox and residential treatment facility that is very successful in treating alcoholism. The first step is to call and speak to our staff, we will guide you through the process to find the right help.

At AToN Center, our master’s level, medically trained staff aid in alcohol detoxification to make certain the best and most comfortable choices are applied while being in a safe and comfortable in our beautiful home setting. Our alcohol detox program addresses all elements of detoxification and withdrawal, ensuring that each of our clients are nurtured mind, body and soul while undergoing the withdrawal process.

There has been a lot of research throughout the years to determine risk factors for addiction and alcoholism. There is great deal of variables that can add to a person’s danger for substance use disorder, but not everybody with those risk factors become addicted.

Some variables that might add to the risk for alcoholism and addiction consist of:

  • Family history or genes
  • Mental health concerns
  • Trauma exposure
  • Environmental factors
  • Behavior or impulse control issues
  • Age of first use

It’s important to be aware of these risks so if you find yourself using more than you want – you can understand that help is just a phone call away.

Tips for Selecting the Right Addiction and Alcohol Treatment Facility

You may be wondering what types of things you should be looking for in an alcohol treatment center. There are some things that will be helpful to find out prior to making a decision on where to go. When seeking an addiction or alcohol rehabilitation center on your own or for a loved one, it is necessary to find the right fit for your needs. To locate the very best choice, the initial step is to obtain as much information as you can regarding the facility. Below are several of the concerns you may wish to ask when identifying what alcohol and drug treatment facility is right for you:

  • Is 12-step programming a must?
  • Are there 12-step alternatives?
  • Is there a daily schedule all clients follow or is each client treated uniquely?
  • Is there a chef?
  • Do you offer massage?
  • Is insurance accepted?
  • What holistic approaches are used?
  • Is therapy customized for each individual?
  • What type of therapy does the center provide?
  • How is therapy success gauged?

AToN Center is unique in regard to outside support – we offer the ability to find the right fit. Some clients come to us with a desire for 12-step support groups while others are against them – at AToN Center we only ask that you find the best fit for you and introduce you to several 12-step and non-12-step options. In regard to scheduling – this is decided between you and your treatment team. There is not a mandatory daily schedule.

AToN Center’s clinical team is outstanding. Therapy at the facility is based on the needs of each personhere is an example – a client came San Diego for addiction treatment from New York – he was a husband and father – after several weeks with us and doing phone calls with his wife and children, his wife was able to come visit and stayed a week, of course we accommodated therapy to include her because that was best for the client. Another example, a woman came into treatment drinking daily and very depressed, a very traumatic event in her life was uncovered, she needed more individual sessions per week – that was clinically indicated and therefor offered. Once a client comes to AToN Center and we do our clinical assessment, together, client and treatment team put together the best plan to address what is needed.

AToN Center offers a luxury environment, delicious meals, and ancillary therapies based on the need of each individual. Yes, we have Yoga, acupuncture, massages, physical fitness, pool therapy and meditation – but not for all because not all like it – we are truly clinically driven with many options if that is what is best for the person.

AToN Center participated on an outcome study and documents our outcomes. We are eager to have you research our program and compare to any in the country. People come to us from all over the world because we offer outstanding care.

Read more about Research Outcomes.

It is normal to experience a variety of withdrawal symptoms when choosing to stop drinking alcohol. AToN Center screens every client so that together we know the right level of care for the detoxification process.

  • Anxiety
  • Sweating
  • Restlessness
  • Chills
  • Headache
  • Vomiting
  • Insomnia

AToN Center is a San Diego drug rehabilitation center that focuses on substance abuse as well as co-occurring mental health problems. Our program offers a range of treatment alternatives for all of our patients to help guarantee the best therapy plan for everyone who comes to our facility.

Several of our treatment alternatives include an evaluation by a medical professional, drug or alcohol detox, extensive cognitive behavior therapy, exposure treatments, recovery study work and much more.

Our extensive substance rehabilitation program helps people by integrating a style that figures out the reason behind someone’s substance use issue, the feelings around it, and also coping methods to deal with the triggers that take place, causing someone to have an urge to use.

We find it necessary to be familiar with our clients on a deep level to truly recognize them as well as what their needs are for their treatment and recovery. We evaluate them to identify what their own beliefs are around therapy as well as recovery to identify the very best plan to ensure that they can stay sober and live a healthy, balanced and satisfying life free from drugs or alcohol.

Substance Rehabilitation at AToN Center

AToN Center is a San Diego drug rehabilitation center that focuses on substance abuse as well as co-occurring mental health problems. Our program offers a range of treatment alternatives for all of our patients to help guarantee the best therapy plan for everyone who comes to our facility.

Several of our treatment alternatives include an evaluation by a medical professional, drug or alcohol detox, extensive cognitive behavior therapy, exposure treatments, recovery study work and much more.

Our extensive substance rehabilitation program helps people by integrating a style that figures out the reason behind someone’s substance use issue, the feelings around it, and also coping methods to deal with the triggers that take place, causing someone to have an urge to use.

We find it necessary to be familiar with our clients on a deep level to truly recognize them as well as what their needs are for their treatment and recovery. We evaluate them to identify what their own beliefs are around therapy as well as recovery to identify the very best plan to ensure that they can stay sober and live a healthy, balanced and satisfying life free from drugs or alcohol.

National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism. (2014). Treatment for Alcohol Problems: Finding and Getting Help. NIH Publication.

“National Institute on Drug Abuse. (2019, Jan). Treatment Approaches for Drug Addiction DrugFacts

Ambien Generic: Zolpidem

Ambien is a popular sleep medication, and most people do not experience adverse side effects that prevent them from continuing to use the drug. Some people have minor or severe side effects that greatly affect their daily activities.

Ambien is a prescription medication used for the short-term treatment of insomnia. Some users take Ambien recreationally for some of these side-effects, notably sedation, hallucinations and euphoria. Ambien becomes addictive if taken for extended periods of time, due to drug tolerance and physical dependence or the eurphoria it can sometimes produce. Under the influence of the drug, patients may take more Ambien than is necessary, due to either forgetting that one has already taken a pill (elderly users are particularly at risk here) or knowingly taking more than the prescribed dosage. The release of Ambien CR (zolpidem tartrate extended release) in the United States renewed interest in the drug among recreational drug users.

Trade names of zolpidem include Adormix, Ambien, Ambrien CR, Edluar, Zolpimist, Damixan, Hyponogen, Ivedal, Lioran, Myslee, Nasen, Nytamel, Sanaval, Somidem, Stilnoct, Stilnox, Stilnox CR, Sucedal, Zodorm, Zoldem, Zolnod and Zolpihexal

If you or a loved one is suffering from Ambien abuse and addiction, our private rehab and prescription drug treatment in San Diego can help.


Amphetmine is chemically related to methamphetamine and lisdexamfetamine, a class of potent drugs that act by increasing levels of dopamine and norepinephrine in the brain, inducing euphoria. The class includes prescription CNS drugs commonly used to treat attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).

It is also used to treat symptoms of traumatic brain injury (TBI) and the daytime drowsiness symptoms of narcolepsy, postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome (POTS) and chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS). Initially, amphetamines were more popularly used to diminish appetite and to control weight.

Brand names of the medications that contain, or metabolize into, amphetamine include “Adderall”, “Dexedrine”, “Dextrostat”, “Desoxyn”, “ProCentra,” “Vyvanse”, and “Benzedrine”.
The drug is also used recreationally and as a performance enhancer. Recreational users of amphetamine have coined numerous street names for amphetamine, such as “speed”.

If you or a loved one is in the grips of amphetimine addiction, AToN Center’s private rehab can help you recover through our comprehensive prescription drug treatment in San Diego.


As with many drugs, users can become psychologically dependent on LSD.

Its dazzling high can become a distraction, perhaps even an escape from reality for some people. It can become very hard to function in reality if you are taking LSD on a regular basis.

People who start to experiment with acid may do so out of curiosity. If they are spending time with individuals who use the drug, they may be tempted to try it to fit in with their peer group. Hearing about the intense colors that go with the hallucinations that Zen users experience may encourage a person to give it a try themselves.

If the first trip is a good one, and the hallucinations are enjoyable instead of frightening, the user may continue taking the drug to try to recreate this interesting (and seemingly enjoyable) experience. They may not realize that every acid trip is different, and there is no way of knowing in advance what kind of experience they will have.

The flip side to using LSD to try to get a result the user considers positive– which in this case is to enjoy the experience of an altered reality — is using the drug to escape reality. Some users start experimenting with it because they are trying to deal with negative aspects of their own lives.

They could be looking for something as simple as a way to avoid feeling bored. Other people who become psychologically dependent on acid are drawn to it because of a need to step away from the reality of their lives — to find what they hope is something better — at least for the hours that they are tripping on the drug.

If you or a loved one suffers from an addiction to LSD, AToN Center offers private rehab programs at our California treatment center in San Diego to facilitate your journey to recovery.


Whether or not MDMA is addictive is somewhat controversial.

Some scientists have found that MDMA meets at least half the criteria of a dependence-inducing drug; however, other researchers argue that it is less addictive than alcohol and tobacco. It is generally acknowledged that some users of MDMA display characteristics of dependence. Further, addiction is more likely in those individuals who use larger doses of the drug for longer periods of time.

The long-term adverse effects of MDMA are also heavily debated, although there is some evidence that consistent use of MDMA may induce ‘hallucinogen persisting perception disorder’. Tolerance of MDMA, where users need to take increasingly large doses to induce the same effect, is however, well-established.

MDMA users may encounter problems similar to those experienced by amphetamine and cocaine users, including addiction. In addition to its rewarding effects, MDMA’s psychological effects can include confusion, depression, sleep problems, anxiety, and paranoia during, and sometimes weeks after, taking the drug. Physical effects can include muscle tension, involuntary teeth-grinding, nausea, blurred vision, faintness, and chills or sweating.
The designer drug ecstasy, or MDMA, causes long-lasting damage to brain areas.

If you or someone you know has an addiction to MDMA, AToN Center offers the best drug rehab treatment to help you recover.


Methylphenidate (MPH; Ritalin, Concerta, Metadate, or Methylin) is a psychostimulant drug approved for treatment of attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder, postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome, and narcolepsy.

Ritalin: 20, 30 or 40 mg tablets

Ritalin, or methylphenidate, is considered a schedule II stimulant. Similar to meth addiction, it stimulates the central nervous system and shares many of the pharmacological effects of methamphetamine, amphetamine, and cocaine. Ritalin is mainly used in the treatment of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), and narcolepsy. It is mainly used by children as young as six years old or adolescent kids under eighteen years old. It can be used in narcoleptic adults. It is also used, although rarely, in weight loss and depression.

Methylphenidate can be used as moderate stimulate, but it can have very addictive properties just like with any other prescription addiction. It sends messages to the brain’s reward center that produce artificial pleasure. It does this by mimicking the action of chemicals in the brain that produce these messages. Ritalin acts like certain brain messenger chemicals which produce positive feelings in response to signal in the brain. This reaction to the drug often results in an addiction – similar to how meth addiction begins. The consumer will then depend on the affects of this drug. Once coming off Ritalin, withdrawals will normally occur.

If you are faced with Ritalin addiction or any other prescription addiction, you have options and are not alone. AToN Center has  12 Step, Non-12 Step rehab programs such as our SMART Recovery that can help you loosen the grips that prescription addiction has over your life.


Vicodin is used for the treatment of pain.

This is the reason that individuals who can afford to seek medical treatment are more likely to develop prescription addiction. The most common source of pain reported includes the head and neck. On average narcotic medications are used for thirty seven months. Though the medical issue with which patients present is often addressed, the potential for drug addiction is often not given importance. Utilizing Vicodin with claims of chronic pain, real or imaginary, can and has led to drug dependence and the need for prescription pain addiction treatment.

In addition to the generalized risk of becoming addicted to Vicodin, these individuals are at risk for withdrawal from pain pills, which in many cases can be deadly. It is for this reason that many patients who experience chronic illness do not want to use prescription medication. There is the fear of dependence, as well as suffering the many different side effects that accompany the use of and withdrawal from Vicodin.

If you or a loved one suffers from vicodin addiction, AToN Center’s San Diego drug rehab and prescription addiction treatment programs can facilitate your journey to recovery.

Contact us today about any questions related to treatment for yourself or a loved one at our San Diego drug detox and rehab center.