Addiction Rehab Insurance Coverage

When it comes to reaching out for help for substance use disorder treatment in California, many issues can stand in the way. While pride or denial can sometimes cause people to shy away from getting professional treatment, this is not generally the case for those who need help. For many individuals, the financial aspect of rehabilitation appears an insurmountable obstacle. It can cause fear to prevail, preventing people from getting the help they need.

But, here at AToN Center, we can help our prospective clients to find hope and healing with the financial assistance of their health insurance policies. That’s right; you can receive addiction rehab insurance coverage to help pay for your treatment!

addiction rehab insurance

AToN Center Logo - San Diego Luxury Rehab Center

Get in Touch

Does Insurance Cover Rehab?

Yes, your health insurance can cover rehab services. If you have health insurance, you can contact your policyholder to find out which rehabilitation services and programs are covered by your plan. You can also find out how much you may need to pay out-of-pocket for such services.

Alcohol and Drug Rehab Insurance Coverage Options

If you are seeking treatment for substance use disorders, you may be interested in getting help through the following programs and approaches:

To learn whether or not your insurance plan covers these rehab programs, you can get in touch with your insurance provider. Our admissions team can also assist you in navigating your addiction rehab insurance coverage options.

Insurances We Accept

At AToN Center in San Diego, California, we accept multiple types of insurance plans. We are in-network with Anthem BCBS. But, we also accept insurance from other providers! So, if you are hoping to get treatment here at our luxury rehab center in California, contact our admissions team today to learn more about your rehab insurance coverage!

You Deserve to Be Well! Contact Us Today.

If you are ready to make a positive change in your life and leave addiction behind you, now is the time to reach out to our team here at AToN Center. We are committed to your health and recovery. Allow us to walk with you as you build a new life of freedom and healing. We truly believe that you deserve to be well and we are dedicated to making that a reality for you. Contact us today to learn more about our services and how you can get insurance coverage for treatment here at our facility!