Live With a Higher Purpose
Live With a Higher Purpose

Live With a Higher Purpose

Live With a Higher Purpose

Lately I have found myself asking our residents the following question: “What do you do that brings you self fulfillment and joy?” This question is often met with a shrug of the shoulders or a blank stare.

One of AToN‘s Foundations for Recovery is, “Live with a higher purpose.” I think this foundation is important in pointing all of us toward personal growth and happiness.
At times our lives give us opportunities to reinvent ourselves – and recovery is a perfect opportunity to look within ourselves and find a higher purpose. This higher purpose can bring increase life satisfaction and propel us through the “lows” in life. So take some time to contemplate how you can enrich your life.
You can start by volunteering, taking a new class, begin a new hobby or explore your spiritual side. If you have any suggestions for how YOU have enriched your life, please feel free to comment!

Cassandra Cannon, Ph.D.
Licensed Clinical Health Psychologist
AToN Center  888-535-1516

Originally posted on November 5, 2017 @ 12:10 am

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