Stimulant Addiction Treatment in San Diego, California


Stimulants are a type of psychoactive drug that affects the central nervous system (CNS) in the body by increasing cognitive functioning and alertness. A stimulant works by increasing the amount of neurotransmitters such as dopamine and norepinephrine in the brain, which results in improved concentration and decreased fatigue. Doctors prescribe stimulants to patients who suffer from attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), narcolepsy, and other health disorders.

Many people will feel “high” after using stimulants due to the short-term effects on the body, but long-term misuse of these types of drugs can lead to severe health consequences, including the development of mental disorders and heart problems.

Awareness of the potential risks of using stimulants can prevent the development of a substance use disorder. Although there are prescription stimulants that are given by a doctor that may be medically necessary and are legal, there are others that are not and can lead to overdose or addiction. AToN Center is a luxury drug and alcohol rehab center in San Diego, California that offers a full continuum of care for stimulant addiction treatment.

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There are many types of drugs that are considered stimulants, including over-the-counter substances or drugs, prescription medications, and illicit stimulants. Some are more damaging to your health than others, and it depends on how much you are using them. Below are the most commonly used stimulants:

  • Caffeine

  • Caffeine is a widely consumed natural stimulant found in coffee, tea, energy drinks, and soft drinks. It is used to promote alertness and reduce fatigue, making it a popular choice for staying awake and improving focus. Caffeine acts on the central nervous system by blocking adenosine receptors, which are responsible for inducing drowsiness. However, excessive consumption or dependence on caffeine can lead to negative effects, such as jitteriness, sleep disturbances, and withdrawal symptoms.

  • Cocaine/Crack

  • Cocaine and crack are both powerful stimulants derived from the coca plant. Cocaine is typically found in a powdered form and is known for producing intense euphoria, heightened energy, and increased confidence. On the other hand, crack is a more potent and addictive form of cocaine, processed into a crystal rock for smoking. Both drugs act rapidly on the central nervous system, causing short-lived but intense highs.

    However, the use of cocaine and crack is associated with significant health risks, including cardiovascular problems, anxiety, paranoia, and addiction. Due to their highly addictive nature and potential for serious consequences, cocaine, and crack are classified as Schedule II controlled substances. AToN Center offers cocaine addiction treatment in San Diego which will help detox from the drug and prevent relapse.

  • Nicotine

  • Nicotine is a stimulant found in tobacco products, such as cigarettes, cigars, and smokeless tobacco. When consumed, nicotine quickly enters the bloodstream, causing a release of dopamine in the brain, resulting in feelings of pleasure and relaxation. Tobacco users often become addicted to nicotine, leading to continued use despite knowing the associated health risks. Treating stimulant addiction for nicotine can be challenging, and achieving abstinence from tobacco use can pose a significant obstacle for many individuals, but with AToN’s holistic approach, we can help!

  • Methamphetamine

  • Methamphetamine is a powerful synthetic stimulant that affects the central nervous system by increasing dopamine and norepinephrine levels in the brain. It induces intense feelings of euphoria, heightened energy, and increased focus. Methamphetamine is classified as a Schedule II controlled substance and has a high potential for abuse and addiction.

    It’s mostly commonly used in its crystal meth form. Prolonged use of methamphetamine can lead to severe physical and mental health consequences, including dental problems, skin issues, memory loss, and cognitive impairment. Due to its harmful effects and the risk of dependency, methamphetamine is considered one of the most dangerous illicit drugs. You can get crystal meth addiction treatment in California at AToN.

  • Prescription Stimulants

  • Not every stimulant drug is illicit or illegal stimulants, and some people take prescription stimulants given to them by their primary care physician. A prescription stimulant is a medication that is prescribed by a physician that is used to treat a specific health disorder.

    Prescriptions like Adderall and Ritalin are psychostimulant drugs known to enhance wakefulness and focus while reducing fatigue and appetite. They belong to the amphetamine and methylphenidate classes, respectively, and are often used to treat conditions like ADHD and narcolepsy. Common brand names for amphetamine include “Adderall,” “Dexedrine,” and “Vyvanse,” while methylphenidate is available under names such as “Ritalin” and “Concerta.”

    Although these medications can be beneficial when used as prescribed, they can also be misused as performance enhancers or recreational drugs, leading to a potential substance use disorder. If you or someone you know is struggling with amphetamine or methylphenidate addiction, AToN Center’s private rehab in San Diego offers comprehensive prescription drug treatment to help achieve lasting recovery.

Caffeine is a widely consumed natural stimulant found in coffee, tea, energy drinks, and soft drinks. It is used to promote alertness and reduce fatigue, making it a popular choice for staying awake and improving focus. Caffeine acts on the central nervous system by blocking adenosine receptors, which are responsible for inducing drowsiness. However, excessive consumption or dependence on caffeine can lead to negative effects, such as jitteriness, sleep disturbances, and withdrawal symptoms.

Cocaine and crack are both powerful stimulants derived from the coca plant. Cocaine is typically found in a powdered form and is known for producing intense euphoria, heightened energy, and increased confidence. On the other hand, crack is a more potent and addictive form of cocaine, processed into a crystal rock for smoking. Both drugs act rapidly on the central nervous system, causing short-lived but intense highs.

However, the use of cocaine and crack is associated with significant health risks, including cardiovascular problems, anxiety, paranoia, and addiction. Due to their highly addictive nature and potential for serious consequences, cocaine, and crack are classified as Schedule II controlled substances. AToN Center offers cocaine addiction treatment in San Diego which will help detox from the drug and prevent relapse.

Nicotine is a stimulant found in tobacco products, such as cigarettes, cigars, and smokeless tobacco. When consumed, nicotine quickly enters the bloodstream, causing a release of dopamine in the brain, resulting in feelings of pleasure and relaxation. Tobacco users often become addicted to nicotine, leading to continued use despite knowing the associated health risks. Treating stimulant addiction for nicotine can be challenging, and achieving abstinence from tobacco use can pose a significant obstacle for many individuals, but with AToN’s holistic approach, we can help!

Methamphetamine is a powerful synthetic stimulant that affects the central nervous system by increasing dopamine and norepinephrine levels in the brain. It induces intense feelings of euphoria, heightened energy, and increased focus. Methamphetamine is classified as a Schedule II controlled substance and has a high potential for abuse and addiction.

It’s mostly commonly used in its crystal meth form. Prolonged use of methamphetamine can lead to severe physical and mental health consequences, including dental problems, skin issues, memory loss, and cognitive impairment. Due to its harmful effects and the risk of dependency, methamphetamine is considered one of the most dangerous illicit drugs. You can get crystal meth addiction treatment in California at AToN.

Not every stimulant drug is illicit or illegal stimulants, and some people take prescription stimulants given to them by their primary care physician. A prescription stimulant is a medication that is prescribed by a physician that is used to treat a specific health disorder.

Prescriptions like Adderall and Ritalin are psychostimulant drugs known to enhance wakefulness and focus while reducing fatigue and appetite. They belong to the amphetamine and methylphenidate classes, respectively, and are often used to treat conditions like ADHD and narcolepsy. Common brand names for amphetamine include “Adderall,” “Dexedrine,” and “Vyvanse,” while methylphenidate is available under names such as “Ritalin” and “Concerta.”

Although these medications can be beneficial when used as prescribed, they can also be misused as performance enhancers or recreational drugs, leading to a potential substance use disorder. If you or someone you know is struggling with amphetamine or methylphenidate addiction, AToN Center’s private rehab in San Diego offers comprehensive prescription drug treatment to help achieve lasting recovery.


Stimulant abuse can lead to health-related effects due to how they change certain chemicals in the body such as dopamine and norepinephrine. Dopamine works by increasing rewarding behaviors, while norepinephrine affects blood vessels, blood pressure and heart rate, blood sugar, and breathing. A person using stimulants will usually say that the drug makes them feel the following:

  • Increased blood pressure and heart rate
  • Increased breathing
  • Decreased blood flow
  • Increased blood sugar
  • Opened-up breathing passages

Can You Overdose On A Prescription Stimulant?

The quick answer to this is–yes. You can definitely overdose on a prescription stimulant, just like you can overdose on other drugs. Just because it is prescribed by a doctor does not mean that stimulants cannot cause abuse, misuse, overdose, or other health-related effects.

If you feel that you have a problem with prescription stimulants, please contact one of the staff at AToN Center for more information on our programs.

Signs of Stimulant Addiction

Recognizing the signs of stimulant addiction is crucial in getting timely help and support. Some common signs of stimulant addiction include:

  • Increased energy and alertness
  • Decreased appetite
  • Erratic behavior
  • Rapid speech
  • Neglect of personal responsibilities and hygiene

Stimulant Withdrawal Symptoms

Stimulant withdrawal refers to the set of physical and psychological symptoms that occur when someone abruptly stops using stimulant drugs after prolonged use. Symptoms can vary in intensity and duration depending on the specific stimulant and the individual’s usage patterns. Common stimulant withdrawal symptoms include:

  • Fatigue and lethargy
  • Increased appetite
  • Depression, anxiety, or mood swings
  • Difficulty concentrating
  • Intense drug cravings
  • Irritability and agitation
  • Vivid and unpleasant dreams
  • Restlessness and anxiety
  • Increased sleep or disrupted sleep patterns
  • Suicidal ideation

It’s important to note that stimulant withdrawal can be challenging and, in some cases, may require medical supervision and support to manage the symptoms safely. Seeking professional help and support during this process is highly recommended for a safer and more successful recovery.


Stimulant detox in San Diego is a crucial initial step in addiction recovery, which aims to safely manage withdrawal symptoms and stabilize individuals physically and emotionally. In a medical detox program, individuals receive around-the-clock supervision to address severe withdrawal symptoms. Once detox is completed, individuals can transition to formal addiction treatment, which may include various therapeutic interventions like individual and group therapy, family therapy, and support groups. Combining detox and residential treatment at AToN Center offers comprehensive support for individuals seeking sustainable recovery from substance use disorder, providing a strong foundation for their journey toward a healthier and drug-free life.

Residential treatment for stimulant use disorder offers a comprehensive and immersive approach to treat stimulant addiction effectively. In a residential setting, individuals receive 24/7 support and supervision, creating a safe and structured environment for their recovery journey. Along with addressing addiction, residential programs often provide mental health services to address co-occurring disorders and any underlying psychological challenges.

Behavioral therapy plays a central role in residential treatment, helping individuals develop coping strategies, identify triggers, and modify harmful patterns of thinking and behavior. This combination of intensive support, long-term treatment, mental health services, and evidence-based behavioral therapy fosters a holistic and effective approach to guide individuals toward lasting recovery from stimulant addiction.

AToN Center’s aftercare program is a vital component of the comprehensive addiction treatment offered. This program is designed to support individuals as they transition from the residential treatment setting to outpatient treatment or independent living. Aftercare focuses on relapse prevention, equipping residents with essential skills and tools to navigate real-world challenges while maintaining sobriety. Through ongoing counseling, support groups, and educational sessions, individuals continue to build a strong foundation for lasting recovery.

The aftercare program acts as a bridge, ensuring a seamless transition to outpatient treatment, where individuals can maintain their progress and continue to receive the support and guidance they need to achieve sustained sobriety and overall physical and mental health.

stimulant addiction treatment


AToN Center in California is a leading drug and alcohol addiction treatment center that focuses on individuals who are struggling with all types of substance misuse issues. Our staff are medically trained clinicians who specialize in the treatment of addictions such as prescription stimulants and other stimulants.

Our luxury treatment center includes an on-site chef that prepares nutritious meals, along with holistic treatment options such as acupuncture, yoga, and massages–all while you are able to overlook the gorgeous views of the rolling hills! We truly care about all of our clients and their well-being. We treat all drug and alcohol use disorders, including stimulant addiction.

If you’re seeking treatment for yourself or a loved one with a stimulant misuse problem, stimulant addiction treatment centers, such as ours, can help. For more information on AToN Center, our prescription stimulant, or other drug rehab programs, please contact our center. We can help you verify your health insurance, discuss our specific program modalities, and assist you with finding the right program for your needs.