Think back to the good times of your childhood. Images may come to mind such as running around for hours on end in a park playing football with friends. You may remember long bike rides to the ice cream parlor down at the beach. You might think about hiking trips through the forest with camp fires, marshmallows and sunsets. Think of the Pizza Party that was held in class after a recital or performance.
Think of how “in the moment” you were during these times, not a care in the world. You just enjoyed the activity without a thought of tomorrow. In sobriety you can be return back to these experiences. Times can come when you are clear minded, relaxed and engaged in healthy activities with loved ones. It will take work and perseverance to return back to this centered mentality but remember, you did it once, you can do it again.
Chad K. Cox PsyD
AToN Center 888-535-1516
Originally posted on February 11, 2018 @ 5:16 pm